The movie Ready Player One was released in 2018. Set in 2045, a teenager discovers clues to the virtual online game OASIS and, step by step, becomes the winner, gaining ownership of the game and inheriting the $500 billion legacy from the founder of the game as a reward. This film shows us that entertainment, work, and creativity in the metaverse will be a lifestyle of the future.


What Is the Metaverse?

Metaverse = meta (beyond) + verse (universe). It is a new universe beyond the existing world, a much freer virtual world. In other words, it is a 3D virtual space on the Internet that connects to all aspects of the user's life. It connects to multiple platforms, just as the Internet connects to different websites through a single browser. The metaverse is a new virtual world where humans exist as virtual avatars, accessible through VR devices. The metaverse is freer than the real world and more immersive than the existing Internet, where users and others can have all kinds of interactions closer to life scenarios. 


How To Get Started in the Metaverse?

  1. Access the Metaverse through AR hardware. Get equipped with VR or AR devices to enter the immersive world of the Metaverse.
  2. Create a virtual identity in the Metaverse. You can create a virtual avatar and give it a blockchain domain name.
  3. Work, play, and socialize in the world of the Metaverse. Put on VR glasses and headphones to have a meeting in the Metaverse. After which, play some blockchain games to relax. Then, proceed to BingX to manage your cryptocurrency assets and share your investment profits for the day.
  4. Invest in Metaverse crypto assets. If you want to capture the opportunities of the Metaverse early, then investing in crypto assets, such as buying metaverse cryptocurrencies, would be the quickest way to get involved.


How To Invest in the Metaverse?

Currently, the Metaverse is still developing. However, the increasing popularity of AR hardware and the development of Web3 combined with higher internet networks will be the rocket fuel of the Metaverse boom, blurring the lines between virtuality and reality.

The universe has a wide range of assets, where users can own items in this virtual world, including land, artwork, trademarks, etc. NFT (Non-fungible token) enables the ability to assign a unique "proof-of-ownership" to the virtual assets, turning them into personally owned assets and making you the sole owner. Cryptocurrency is the currency used in the Metaverse.

Take the metaverse platform Decentraland as an example. If you want to invest in Decentraland's "Land", you need to pay with the platform's cryptocurrency, “MANA”. As shown in the image below, the prices are from 4200 to 4299 MANA.


You can purchase MANA through BingX by clicking on [Buy/Sell - Spot - Metaverse] via the app, or by clicking on Deposit funds into your crypto wallets to buy the assets. BingX has filtered and listed many high-quality metaverse cryptocurrencies for you to choose from. Join us at BingX to learn more.